I appreciate all the advice I am getting here and I am not ignoring it at all. If I really didn't want advice I wouldn't be posting here. When I first posted I got a reply John Q and he mentioned get her out quickly without the mess of court unless I am 90% sure that I will win otherwise the CA courts are tenant friendly.
I spoke to few lawyers and I felt the good ones all suggested that I need to fix the problem (I knew roof was leaking, it hasn't been raining so there is no leak in the last three months or so) and then need to replace the sheet rock.
Since she talked about the mold, I want to be cautious about getting licensed inspector to come and check and go through the remediation process with them, that way when I go to court they can see that I am proactive in fixing and am concerned, which truly I am. I wouldn't want my investment to succumb to mold either.
Once I fix whatever the remediation process they recommend, it is time to go to court about the rent. The rent was due on July 15th, late on 20th..
I know this tenant uses the words like retaliation (she got another dog without requesting, lease says only one dog) If she had asked for another pet I would have said yes with a pet fee.
I wonder if property managers put three day pay or quit notice every time tenant is late. If they do how many of the tenants follow that, what if they pay after 15 days before the eviction, would the property managers let them stay, then the tenant will get used to that routine too.
I have a tenant who is staying in one property for 9 years, he might have been late two or three times in the whole time. another tenant almost three years, if she pays later than 3rd and before 5th we get an email saying she is depositing little late.
In this whole process what I learnt is that the late payers repeat it all the time and of those late payers who will pay but they are late. And this is the first time I got a professional tenant.
The other two tenants just have no clue how to manage the money, one of the tenants doesn't mind putting a lien on her car on owners name.
Again I appreciate all the comments and I am sure if I take this professional tenant to court now all I am doing is dragging it longer and spending lot more money. I am fixing the problem and then taking her to court if she doesn't pay rent. and with her there is no grace period, no waivers nothing. If she doesn't pay rent on 15th, she gets 3 day pay or quit notice such that it falls on 20th and if she doesn't pay eviction is filed. and I can't wait for march to roll in when the lease expires, she will get 60 day notice to vacate just to be safe.