This thread is not exactly providing your will great advice. Putting your materials together in an accurate and professional manner is very difficult and takes tremendous experience and skill. Do not believe for a second that you can do it on a Saturday afternoon. Even if you could put part of it together by yourself, you still need a skilled securities attorney to put the deal together. Do not forget, that everything you show investors, including your Saturday afternoon marketing material is part of your offering which needs to be approved by the attorney.
If you hire the consultants to help you, they can only do a fraction of the job. The attorney has to do the heavy lifting.
The bigger issue is about capital raising. Most offers to raise capital are fake. You pay $9k and they can't do the rest. Remember the capital raisers are selling you - not a building. How sellable are you? Are you an experienced steward of other peoples' money? They will probably fail in the capital raising and they will blame you for being too inexperienced in stewardship matters. So even though 10% is a realistic price, don't worry because you won't be paying it.
There are no shortcuts in this business. Put together a great plan which is wrapped in great legal materials. Cultivate relationships with investors who appreciate and respect what you bring to the table. That's the formula. Take a shortcut and you might as well throw away the money.