Quote from @Nick Am:
Answers and thoughts below in Bold
--> I am trying to setup a management company (LLC-B) and charge LLC-A management fees. This active income can help me fund my retirement as well as help me get reimbursement for home office and health care premium while lower my tax liability. Agreed but Sole Prop will accomplish this without all the hoops you're talking about.
--> This is my plan. I have two properties which at 10% fee will be around $35K. If I leave this amount in Sch-E, I get taxed at ordinary income tax rate at Federal and State level, which along with my regular W2 income can be substantial. Assume for a moment its close to max tax bracket ie. nearly 49% (Federal + State), roughly $17K. Can you swing REPS to offset? Will that help?
Now if I pass that income as management fees to S-corp, I pay $3.5K (SE tax) + $800 (LLC fee) + $1700 (CPA + bookkeeping) = $6K in total. Just don't see the S-Corp or another LLC having a place here..I've heard tax advisors say it takes around $70k min of self employment income for the break even point for S-Corp to make sense. That could be just federally, however...
Against $35K income:
1) I take $23,500 W2 which 100% goes into Solo 401K --> No income tax You have to account for taxes like FICA and Medicare so this will be closer to $25-$26k. If you adopt a solo 401k as a Sole Prop you won't have to run payroll and incur payroll taxes and you can still do $23,500 plus 20% of the profit as a profit sharing contribution. BTW you said you have a 9-5 so keep in mind you cannot double dip on the employee 401k contribution. If you're maxing that out at your 9-5 then you'll only be able to contribute profit sharing in the Solo 401k. If you're contributing less than the $23,500 then the difference can be put into the Solo 401k plus the profit sharing. Hope all that makes sense.
2) LLC-B contributes $5875 towards retirement --> tax deduction what type of contribution is this?
3) Remaining $5625 is reimbursed to me as home office expense.
Where is the income tax of 49% here? How is this juice not worth the squeeze? $6K in taxes and expense vs $17K in Federal and State taxes.
Ok so after all this, book a consultation with a tax advisor. DM me if you want a referral.