Originally posted by Silver A.:
Originally posted by Brian Morgan:
A favorite of mine is "Sorry, but you you'll have to do better than that."
For example, the seller gives you his rock bottom price. You pause, like you are studying his offer. Then come back with "Sorry. but you'll have to do better than that." Experienced negotiators will fire back with "Well, how much better do I need to do"
Now I'm curious - what line would make a good answer to that question?
Good question! You tried the squeeze and got squeezed back... But, don't let them box you into setting a price. Instead, I would switch techniques to the reluctant buyer. "Well, I'm an investor and at this price I just don't think I can make it work. I hate that you spent so much time with me for nothing, but just to be fair what's truly your rock bottom price on this property."
You basically just rephrased the original attempt in a different format. The seller may then make a price concession since you put it on him again. If the seller does drop, Congrats! You accomplished your opening and can start negotiating an even better price, since you have yet to even mention a price that works for you.
If the seller holds firm on the original price, I would start packing my things up and say "Thanks for your time, I'm sorry we couldn't work something out. I wish you the best of luck selling the property." Showing the seller you are ready to walk may cause him to rethink his "wish price"
These are all still opening positions. True Negotiations haven't even really begun yet.
Back to the original "you'll have to do better than that" if the seller does concede price. Try the exact same phrase again.
Seller: "Rock bottom 100K"
You: "You'll have to do better than that"
Seller: "Ok How about 98K"
You: You'll have to do better than that
Seller: "97K!! FIRM!!"
You" You'll have to do better than that"
Seller: 96K please??