@Ryan Pozzi so I have struggled with the same thing! My wife and I make around $40k but I have a lot of term debt ($1,200 per month, ouch!). I've come to the conclusion that cutting back for most people depends on how extravagant their life was to begin with. For example, we didn't cut the cable, but we did downgrade from DirecTV premium package to our local cable basic package. Saved me $100/month, and the only thing I'm missing out on is Monday/Thursday Night Football, which we can go to a friends whenever the Pats are playing. Also, instead of paying for Netflix/Hulu/HBO/Amazon Prime, we use our family's, each of us pays one and we all use their login. We get everything we were getting at $50.00 per month at $10/month. So, if you're like me and can't really cut back on too much, think more of the VALUE than the actual amount, try to do things smarter. I have basically the same product, but at literally $140/month less.