Here is the verbiage of the current NY State bill:
and, most offensively, HERE is the website of a movement to "CANCEL RENTS"
Below is the letter we sent to NY state Governor Cuomo. plus MY State Senator, plus the Senator who drafted this bill, and all NYC Housing Depts and officials. Thoughts? Will you all Join Me? If you agree, please also reach out to your OWN Representatives, to send a similar letter: (Don't know who represents you? Google: "Who Represents Me .......... (Insert your State Here)"
[ATTN : REPRESENTATIVE] - (Insert your Rep's name here)
My Wife and I are, literally, small-business Mom & Pop Property Managers. We rent out just 6 [INSERT YOUR NUMBER HERE] units, and just barely manage to pay the bills each month. We love our Tenants, and treat them with great respect.
But we have no illusions - The SECOND they feel empowered to not pay rent... whether they've been negatively impacted by Coronovirus or not, they will simply stop paying rent. This will bankrupt us!
Where is the
- #CancelMedicalInsurancePremiums movement? (These are the real culprits, after all)
- #CancelDrugPrescriptionCosts
- movement? (Everyone needs to eat, right? Why not free food for all?)
- #CancelWater-Sewer ? (These bills are massive!)
? (Are YOU, as Gov't, willing to give up YOUR income? If not, isn't this hypocritical?) - #CancelIncomeTaxes ? (Same as above)
- #CancelMortgages? (Why let banks get a free-pass or another free bailout ?)
- ? (Why let Fossil-Fuel energy companies skate? Oil ? Gas? Electricity? These bills are massive)
- #CancelPropertyInsurance (Why let Property Insurers get a free pass, too?)
It's not fair that LANDLORDS - and ONLY Landlords - are made the culprits, and must shoulder ALL of Society's burdens... Each month, we have tremendous Contractual Obligations and payments to make - Grocery-Bills, Utilities, Mortgages, Plumbers, Electricians, Medical Insurance Premiums, Property-Insurance, Sewer-Water, Oil, Gas, Electricity, Property Taxes, Cable & Internet, Cell-Phone, Income-Taxes...
Are we now doing away with our entire system of Contract & Tort Law? Until you ALSO cancel ALL of the above also, please stop singling our small businesses out only.
Thank you,