Hi @Ian Lockwood !
It's true. Buying and selling commercial real estate is Monday - Friday 9-5. MANAGING commercial real estate is 24/7 - depending on how much you have. The more you have, the higher the likelihood of having to respond to a false fire alarm because someone forgot to put the system in test mode, or dealing with a stolen backflow preventer, or whatever the case may be. So yes, there's work life balance there if you hire a property manager so you don't have to deal with the day to day issues.
It's also true that it's a little more difficult to get into commercial real estate (CRE), simply because the property values are higher than residential property and lending for commercial property is not as easy to obtain for 100% of the property value as it is in residential real estate. Lenders likes to see 75% or less LTV. I don't know what the CRE world looks like in Santa Fe, but around here there is a lot of "smaller" assets...$100k+ There are triple deckers with retail on the first floor and two apartments above and 3,000 sf retail buildings.
Residential is easier to break into, but there should be plenty of opportunity for small commercial real estate properties if you have enough money to put into it.