@Steve Joseph if you have a home warranty, you should itemize the specific repairs the home warranty covers and assign a cost to those. Depending on what is covered, 10% capex could be a little on the high side. It also depends on the condition of your home.
For reserves, BP recommends 5-15% set aside for repairs & maintenance, 3-10% for vacancy but the amount of capex reserves depends on many factors.
How old is the roof, appliances, HVAC system? Knowing the age of these items can help you calculate when you’ll need to replace them and therefore how much you should put aside for capex each year & month.
For example, we put aside 5% for capex in our Roswell rental because the roof and appliances are all new. We’re also only putting aside 5% for repairs and maintenance because we did a total guy job renovation on the house.
You don’t want to over estimate and eat into your cash flow but you also don’t want to under estimate and be surprised with large non budgeted expenses.