So, it's been a wild couple days. I received 15 calls so far out of 324 YL's for a 4.6% response rate. Very happy with that and I'm sure I'll get more today. That said, I'm awful on the phone. It's harder than I thought. Was a little down last night but am looking to get back into it today.
So, a few questions/comments:
1. I am getting a lot of callers offering me very inflated house prices. For example, one guy offered me his house for 280k and the least he would consider is "265k". It looks like he listed his house last year for 200k and removed the listing. I can't see any reason why his house is worth more than 200k.
So, what do I do with people like this? Do I even call them back and tell them what I think I can pay? Obviously would be much lower.
2. I am also getting a lot of people who don't claim to know or want to give up specifics on their house. One guy didn't know the mortgage amount. Another guys told me to check the # of BR's and baths online. What's my response?
Something like this? "Listen, I'm a serious investor and can pay cash for your house, close quickly and take care of closing costs. BUT, I need to know exactly what I am potentially buying to make an offer to you. Without knowing, I can't make an offer. Is this fair to you?"
This makes sense to me now, but I definitely didn't control the conversations. Or should I say something differently.
3. I am very inefficient. I am spending a ton of time figuring out what a property is worth. I am also spending a lot of time trying to get my CRM to work, but it's not built for speed. Will likely revert to a lead spreadsheet. I think a CRM makes sense longer term, but I have too many moving pieces that I am trying to figure out all at once.
4. My "mentor" wants me to cough up a bigger % of deals for him to do more hand holding. Not sure it's worth it. I have no problem splitting deals with him, but more than that? I think I can find someone else. I offered him to keep 100% of short sales and split wholesales 50/50. I have no interest in short sales at this point.
5. Because I am trying to figure out comps, working leads, figuring out my processes, managing my team, etc; I am not able to work every lead. Currentl, I am only working the ones I can pick up or that they leave a VM. I will go back and eventually call the ones that didn't leave VM.
That's it. Thanks for all the help, folks!