@Spencer Mollman
Are you planning on doing a sandwich-lease option or an assignment lease option? Based on your answer I will have suggestions for both .
However either way what you want to make sure you look for no matter which type of lease option you are doing is the following
1. Make sure the tenant -buyer(TB) has skin in the game. So at LEAST 3.5%-5% down
2. You want to make sure that you screen the tenant-buyer not as a renter but as a "buyer". Meaning - having a mortgage broker look over their situation so you know EXACTLY what they need to do qualify by the end of the L/O term.
3. Your paperwork needs to be rock solid (making sure no equitable interest is transferred, the seller can NOT sell the property from up under the TB, the down payment that the TB puts down will be counted as their down payment AND making sure that if the tenant buyers doesn’t buy it is explicit that they do not get that 3.5%-5% back)
My biggest suggestion is to make sure the tenant-buyer is NOT a typical renter. I see this happen a lot where people try to put a renter in a rent to own situation.
Good luck! And please keep us posted on your deal