Hmmmm.. I don't think my wife is 100% on board, so she better hang on for the ride! Our first real state venture put a bad taste in her mouth due to a flooded rental market, time and budget constraints, and forced to live 1500 miles from each other and away from the kiddos. We then we're floating both our mortgage and rent as her guesthood wore down as a very short term roommate turned in to 5 months.
Fast forward a few pages and I'm raving about Real Estate. I've been dropped right in a bucket of real estate once I got out to TX. It was my intention to become a real estate agent once out here, but my priorities quickly shifted once the veil lifted. I saw real estate for what it is and fell in love with the realization that this year I could potentially make over 100k and that's only within 8-9 months.
Get this.... at first, I was **asking** my wife if she thought we should do this or that and she dejected. Even though she saw how hyped I was, she's the type that is content just renting, working full time, putting money in a savings account rather than paying off interest accruing debt etc; now pair that with the bad taste in her mouth from our prior real estate venture and you've got a wall of "No's!"
So in the meantime, I'm learning all I can. I'm working overtime at my current job and then flooding myself with knowledge from night to the early morning. I've got the podcasts playing on the laptop speakers in our home, conveying the oooohs and aaaahs of the potential to her. She still shows little interest.
But then...the shift occurs... I **tell** her we are about to start investing in real estate. I tell her what exactly and how we are going to start. She appears to reluctantly be wearing her sea-legs.. Mind you, she's the main source of reliable income for our family, so it took some careful prodding and poking. And... now it appears she is on the wagon but just along for the ride. I do wish she were in to it like myself. I see some power house couples and am impressed. It's those who work together that I'd imagine would gain the most..m think agent/ investor combo. I can dream.. but in the meantime will pursue real estate and hope she comes around. I think she will once she sees the first few checks... only time will tell...