Hey @Jonathan Greene! Thanks so much for the reply. I am new to this, so I'm all ears for feedback. The lead is a very warm one, as the home belongs to my good friends' next door neighbor. It was an older couple- the grandfather has since passed and the grandmother is now in a nursing home with advanced dementia. The daughter (who has POA) never thought she could sell, and only once my friend reached out did she have any idea.
The house is in pretty bad condition, although the true extent I'm not sure. I am flying out next week to see for myself. The 150k is based on nothing but words from websites and guys I've talked to about fixing up these distressed properties. The damage could be as low as 70-75k. I lived in Boulder for 3 years, and very familiar with the area. I also have friends that are in the construction industry out there and should be able to lend a hand, if not at least point me in the right direction.
My main concern/issue is financing. I've looked into 203k, but that seems like lots of paperwork and time wasted. I feel as though an investor that could pay for the home/repairs in cash would benefit everyone, as to avoid banks and loans. Open to quite anything, however. Thanks again!