Thank you all for the advice. Heres how it turned out. After much research and leaning on my professional network i was able to attain both properties at the phenomenal price. This circumstance is extremely rare for two reasons. First, most mortgage holders, banks in particular appraise the properties they are foreclosing on prior to Sherrif sale so that they understand the market value and dont underbid. Second, most homeowners also only sell for current market value. In this case i had a low sherrif sale price, far under market value and an owner who was willing to sell for the bid amount and deal with the shortfall/deficiency on her own just to be out of the stressful mess that she was in.
What i was unaware of is that after a sherrif sale takes place the mtg. transforms into a "sherrifs deed" no "mortgage" technically exists any longer. This was a newsflash to me as a banker. You learn something new every day. So basically the mortgage company had 2 loans after sherrifs sale, a sherrifs deed on the properties for $xx and an unsecured loan for the deficiency balance.
It was a great learning experience for me as a real estate investor and as a banker. So thankful for all that i have learned