David you have been extremely insightful. Thank you so much for the info.
I created an account on your site, and so far I'm extremely impressed. It's exactly what I think BP is missing. That being said, I did a single pass through of all the features, and overall it felt good. I know it's in beta, so it's not the finished product. In the meantime I have a few compliments, and suggestions.
Everything reported in the results makes sense, and I love the different tabs - Project Costs, Financing, and Returns. I'm sure you'll make each one visible in PDF Output, however until then, viewing it on the browser is very appealing to view it as you have it in tab form instead of scrolling up and down to look at everything.
I LOVE that you include a full fledged "Project Financing" tab, and Show CoC based on Cash vs Leveraged positions AND Annualize it!
The text on the results page, and throughout the site is/can be a little small and/or wordy. I think different colors like what BP uses would help differentiate them, and bolding a lot of text.
I would like to see the Flip Analyzer, and Repair Estimator merged.
Task Manager, Project Scheduler, and Project Calendar feel like variations of the same thing. I would like to see them merged together as well, or more distinction between them.
The Help Guide in the bottom left can block some options from the left hand menu. I would like to see that moved to the bottom right, or somewhere it won't cover up info.
Again, I'm not as familiar with it as the guy who created it, so if you have any clarification to add for me that would be great.
Otherwise, I'm loving what I see, and can't wait to see what that beast of a calc will look like after it's done!