I want to sell my 2BR/1BA Tenancy In Common (TIC) in SF.
I'm looking for a referral to an agent who helped you sell a TIC (not a friend of yours or an agent you used to buy a property). I'm also looking for tips on how to pick an agent for my unique situation:
Unique Pro:
- The unit is located directly across the street from an international tech celebrity. I realize this has zero impact on the price assigned by the appraiser, but for the right buyer, my hypothesis is that this could be attractive.
Unique Con:
- We still have a group mortgage. I've been working with my three other co-owners for months to refinance to fractional loans. We're getting closer, but I'd like to sell soon and redirect the money into other investments. It's a long, complex story, but the current situation requires an all-cash buyer.
An additional theory: this might appeal to an international buyer looking for a trophy property.
How do I pick an agent who knows group TICs and has the best chance of finding a (possibly international) all-cash buyer who values celebrity?
Of course, there are lots of good TIC agents in SF and lots of local cash buyers. And the unit has many merits beyond its celebrity neighbor. I'm just trying to think creatively and optimize my sale, expecting that the group loan will negatively impact the sales price.
Thanks for your help!