Hello Rod good to meet my name is Sky Mikesell i based in Charlotte North Carolina.
I will share my experience with hard money ...
HM has helped me get into many many deals that i would have never been able to get into without it.
The costs i became accustom to with most HM lenders was 12-18% interest only payment, 65% LTV (which needed to include the purchase price and the renovation cost)
Most HM lenders did their own valuation (appraisal) of the property i was interested in.
During the construction phase they would release draws on the construction work as work was completed which means i fronted a little money for the work and then would call for a draw.
As years have gone by i have moved into a warehouse line of credit and have a few private lenders as well.
One thing i appreciated about HM lenders early on in my REI career was if the deal didn't make sense they would not loan on it which more then likely saved me from buying some bad deals due to my inexperience.
good luck and happy investing.