@Blaine Alger I am the lone vote for Tenant Cloud so far. I was using Cozy but I wanted to streamline our business with some more features that tenant cloud offered. I looked into Buildium, appfoilo, and podio and went with TenantCloud because it had a lot of great features and was pretty cheap. The only thing I used Cozy for was collecting rent so I didn’t use all of their features.
Tenantcloud features
- all property details are stored in one location
- allows me to manage all “equipment” within a unit so I have details of the make and model of all of the appliances in one place.
- tenants can pay rent and submit maintenance requests
- even if the tenant calls or texts me they get automatic emails about their maintenance request when I submit it.
- I can set reminders such as furnace filters etc.
- I can share all lease information and documents with the tenant through the platform
- I can list my properties.
- I am using the accounting since it is wrapped into the platform but I think it is a little clunky so far.
The reason I went with a platform rather than continue to use google docs and cozy is because I was spending so much time perfecting my system all the time. I love google docs and would tend to want to spend hours building spreadsheets but since I am a pretty new Investor, 3 doors, and investing on the side of my full time career I need to focus most of my time Into income producing activities, finding new deals. So I am going all in with TenantCloud, hoping that they improve and I fall in love with the platform or at least I will learn how I want to build my own system in the future.
Thomas, thanks for being the black sheep.
From all the details you mentioned, it definitely seems that TC has the fundamental advantage. And I get why it would be nice to have all that in one place, that is streamlined for sure.
Do you have any comment on the ability to use the mobile app or ease of use of the platform from the tenants side? (I have heard some say that tenants have more trouble with Tenant Cloud)