Originally posted by @Joshua Watts:
I very much appreciate your input. I tend to think the same way.
While I've got my costs pretty dialed in for the type of self storage development that I do, RV/boat/trailer is a niche I am not familiar with. At first blush, canopy storage is just a building with no walls, ergo, it is cheaper to develop (I know that probably doesn't hold true).
This development site would not be a good candidate for traditional storage development; it's 1) 1000' up the road from a site I am currently developing, 2) 2000' from a older, larger facility (that just recently sold and is undergoing an update), and 3) it's located on a secondary road with minimal traffic and no visibility.
But; it's 4ac, zoned I-2, and it's surrounded by ~20ac also zoned I-2 that a business partner owns. No debt on any of it.
RV/boat has the allure of being able to easily integrate into the existing business model (advertising/management software/employees/etc...), that type of storage has, typically, a larger customer draw radius, and low visibility can (in part) be mitigated via marketing.
If nothing else, the due diligence exercise educates me and the information can possibly be useful when evaluating other opportunities.