Thank you to everyone that responded. I really appreciate the feedback. I will definitely apply the information.
These issues have come up in the past and I've handled them, but wanted to get feedback from you guys to be informed and improve my processes:
1) A/C is down. Houston is very hot in the summer. A/C guys, even the 2 I use, can become very busy and schedule 1-2 days out. I do have stated in my lease that the tenants give me at least 3 days to have the issues addressed. One time a tenant told me it was too hot for her, so I told her to leave the house and find some place that was safe. What do you guys suggest in this type of situation? Should I buy window units, tell them to turn on the fans and open the windows, get them a motel until the A/C is fixed? Note: I do call the A/C guys ASAP and schedule ASAP.
2) Plumbing is backed up or there is a leak. Again, I call the plumbers ASAP and schedule ASAP but want to make sure the tenant is safe.
Electricity down, tree branch through roof, etc..
In all cases, I work fast to make sure the issues are resolved ASAP, but until then, what are my responsibilities, or how should I handle it?