in 2011 My credit was shot and my fiancés were less then favorable. I literally woke up one day and said no more of this. It has taken several years and some very challenging self discipline, but now my credit pretty good. I will be buying my actual score next month. I just want to know what it is.
My earnings after tax is about 24-28 a year, (cause pretax don't exist to me),
with no money in the bank I decided this year I am going to save some, The dollar a week program, so at the end of the year I will have about 1,300. providing nothing happens to my employment, But a factory is never any thing to plan a promised future on.
State ment: I have a credit score about 630 but not sure where it is. I have tried for, four different loans and was dined, All for the same reason. No recent credit history.
Question. I was lead to believe by several banks, and cc companies I could qualify for a secured loan or card. If you were in my position would you try this. What is the negative of having a secured account on my reports.
End goal.. MY first block is done I have cleaned my credit up. Maintained a long and healthy employment status. Learned to live with in my limits. And gain much (maybe to much) self respect and worth. What in your opinion would be my next block?
Thank you every one in advance, I don't know if we have all been there. But I am ready and looking for guidance and structure,
Billy Hills