That's a great question and could explain the reasoning for some of their decisions- however, from the little I've been able to learn about them, I'm not sure if anyone is in charge and if so, even cares about decisions made. We've been waiting impatiently for two properties to become active and it's been months. Each property is serviced by a different realtor, and neither knows what is going on, they just wait like the rest of us. I called Fannie Mae and the person I spoke with said that the only thing I can do is check the website, that there is no further info. Both houses were owned/lived in by men in their 90's, who both passed away, then the houses were foreclosed on. (I am suspicious that they each were victims of the reverse mortgage scam.) Both houses were a complete mess- so much hoarding by both of them. A mystery person hired two separate entities to clean up each property, and both "businesses" have done a terrible job that is still not even close to complete. It seems that this could be an opportunity to rake in some serious cash from the government for doing very little work, and nobody verifying the quality/completion of the work. Both houses could have been cleared out and sold months ago, but instead, they're sitting vacant, the govt is paying the taxes and not recouping any of their (our) money. If you find out any more info, I'd appreciate it if you could pass it along- I'm tempted to contact my senator, who ends all of his communication with "if you need help with a federal agency..." I told my husband that it seems like there's a person somewhere with a pile of paperwork on his/her desk, who slowly works through the pile, but no one knows who this person is and no one in the govt really cares. :-)