I’ll admit I haven’t used VA’s for real estate work, but I’ve used them frequently in other projects.
In general, your experience will vary tremendously depending on your budget, the tasks you are looking for help with, your ability to clearly communicate with the VA, and of course the VA themselves.
For the most part, I’ve found UpWork to be a good source of diligent assistants for relatively simple research, admin, or data entry tasks that don’t require too much judgment or decision making. The VAs were often based out of south or southeast Asia, had reasonably good English skills, and were available at under $10/hr rates.
For more complex work that may involve communicating or collaborating with others, then you’ll likely need a more capable assistant at a higher price. Overall, country of origin wasn’t as good of an indicator of quality as you might imagine; I’ve worked with good westerners sure, but also folks from say the Philippines that were just as good as someone from Pittsburgh.
Effectively, I thought of them as a force multiplier; they’re ideal for work that isn’t hard and isn’t a good or cost-effective use of your time to handle yourself. Feel free to ask if you have more specific questions I can help answer.