Investment Info:
Small multi-family (2-4 units) buy & hold investment in Oklahoma City.
Purchase price: $120,000
Cash invested: $30,000
This duplex was a For Sale By Owner. My partner and I negotiated the terms outside of my capacity as an agent. The duplex already had two existing tenants. The property was poorly marketed, in my opinion, and the owner insisted on representing herself
What made you interested in investing in this type of deal?
We were seeking a multi-family unit that was undervalued or an owner desperate to sell
How did you find this deal and how did you negotiate it?
Zillow. We negotiated directly with the owner
How did you finance this deal?
Traditional bank financing with a 30-year note
How did you add value to the deal?
The tenants were unhappy with the previous owner/landlord. We made some improvements and promises that encouraged the tenants in each unit to sign a new 12-month lease.
What was the outcome?
The one bed unit rents for $500. The two bed unit rents for $800. We carry the water bill because there is only one meter and our mortgage is $616. Rough cash flow is $500/month
Lessons learned? Challenges?
There was no sewer cleanout at this home. The line started backing up shortly after we bought it. The only solution was to build a new cleanout which cost $1700. I'd hesistate to buy a home without a clean out in the future.