I have been mailing to a pre-foreclosure list for four months now and it's been less then exciting.
I'm not going to quit this list until I get to at least 6 mailers but I am wondering what some more successful direct marketers have to say on the subject.
My first mailer was a big postcard (which was too big. I had to pay 1st class postage on them so it kind of defeated the purpose of starting small and cheap with a postcard to weed out the returns.) I don't think my message was clear enough because I got 0 responses and I mailed about 1200.
My second mailer was a small (A4 I believe) bright blue envelope with a half sheet of yellow paper inside with a hand written font in blue ink saying that I buy houses. I got 8 responses from this one (0.82%) off 854 mailed. I made 3 offers off of this mailer but no bites.
My third was a professional typed letter on letterhead and I have received 1 response (0.12%).
I'm in the Tampa Bay area and it's pretty darn saturated with investors here so my list is probably getting quite a few letters other than mine.
My main question is, when do you stop one list and start another one?....Or do you ever quit a list? I would imagine that with a pre-foreclosure list, at some point, all the names/addresses will be out of date.
Any input or constructive criticism is welcome.