So I have tenants that are habitually late with paying rent and I worked with them for a few months until this month they are late and unwilling to communicate. After last month's late rent I had them agree to not renewing the lease (auto converts to month-to-month) and had them sign an agreement that they understood this and would move out by that time which is Sep. 30th. Now fast forward to now and they are not paying and also not communicating as no surprise to me. My question is: what is the best way to handle this situation? They are in their second year of tenancy and I want to serve them notice to quit but am unsure which notice and timeline to impose on this. Also, I would not want to allow the option for them to 'pay' or quit and just want to 'quit' and get them out. Also, Can I get away with a 10 day notice since it is for non payment but they are in second year of tenancy or do they get 30 days? Any input appreciated. Thanks!