Sean Brennan - Not yet, I'm waiting until I secure some financing, which will probably take 2-4 more months. But, I have slightly re-thought my approach. Perhaps you can give me your opinion.
I actually just moved into in my target neighborhood, and have picked out several dilapidated properties in the area to go after. My plan is to walk my dogs around the neighborhood as much as possible the next few months, meet as many neighbors as I can, and to be seen as a friendly face. When the time comes, I am thinking of having my wife bake some of her amazing cookies - Then leaving a little package on the doorstep of the homes I'm targeting, introducing myself as their new neighbor, and mention that I'd be interested in buying their house, (or another house they know of) should they be interested in selling. Some of my neighbors have been in the area 20-40 years and know many people. I am thinking of offering them a small referral fee if they hear of anyone looking to sell and it turns into a deal that closes. This also goes for the mailman (who also lives in the area).
Anyway... this could change - But some things I'm considering.