Pricelabs gives the user more control, and more tools. I tried BP, wheelhouse, and Pricelabs. Beyond pricing is like bowling with bumpers on (it guides you, and it is hard to mess up). Pricelabs is more like sitting in the cockpit of a 747 (lots of buttons, confusing at first, but once you learn the system you can do amazing things).
The #1 tool for my business is the dynamic minimum night stays on Pricelabs. Before I tried pricelabs, I didn’t even understand why that was important. But now I live by it. It allowed us to be mores selective on only getting the reservations, and the guests we want (longer stays, higher rates). Then at the last minute it opens up the gap nights. In my urban market, this equates to full calendars at high rates. With all that said, Pricelabs is also far less expensive. For me, it costs less than $5/month per listing.
I attended DARM (data and revenue management) conference put on by VRIntel a few weeks ago. I got to see all these companies demo their product, and compete for large VR managers business. BP has some impressive new features with data analysis, and KPI reporting that look nice. They basically tell you which listings need attention on pricing. However you can get similar data from PL and other sources.
Switch to Pricelabs, bite the bullet, and never look back!