Disagree with the majority of the responses. Yes, I agree that a first time buyer/early investor should get inspections.
BUT, having dealt with inspectors repeatedly their expertise varies greatly and buyers put too much trust on them. If you're an investor and have a good relationship with a general contractor why not have them perform the inspection?
2 weeks ago received an inspection on a house I'm selling stating that the garage door opener doesn't work and should be replaced or fixed. The picture in the inspection report shows the opener wasn't plugged in. On my first purchase (personal home) inspector went to the water heater and it wasn't lit and inspector didn't even try to light it, so he just checked the box as 'needs addressed' and moved on.
The only other time I had an inspection on a purchase: inspector noted a few missing shingles with no more comments other than missing. Had my contractor come out after I purchased. Within 5 minutes he said roofer used too short of nails (multiple layers of shingles) and to expect continued problems with the roof. If a contractor can see it quickly, but inspector cannot what good is an inspector.
Also, if you're realtor cannot pick out major concerns like an inspector can then find a different realtor.