@Joe Splitrock I'm sure. Here's the link: https://www.texastribune.org/2...
Texas will require search for work starting on July 6th.
You are right on the minimum wage amount. Your figure of $15,080 is if the person worked five days a week, every week for the entire year with no time off. That's not a living wage, but there is very little hope of that amount changing in Texas in the near future.
I went to TWC and did their calculator for benefits. State benefits for someone who made minimum wage prior to being laid off are $151 per week. If the feds supplement by $600 per week, then it would be double what someone at minimum wage would make in a 40 hour a week job. I can see that there would be a disincentive for someone to trade unemployment for a minimum wage job.
I agree that some assistance needs to be given to those who are without a job through no fault of their own and whose prospects are diminished due to Covid. I just don't know what that balance is & get annoyed when folks want to end legitimate aid to avoid some getting a "free ride".
It reminds me of hanging out at the cotton gin after working in the fields and hearing landowners ***** about the food stamps some of their laborers received. They called it an undeserved handout. What they did not ***** about were the government CRP (crop rotation programs) that paid individuals six figures per year to NOT plant, grow, & harvest. Talk about disincentive to work.
I learned early on, that it isn't an undeserved handout if someone else gets it. It's a necessary aid and assistance if you get it.