Hello @Jared B. I've got a long boring story about that tudor, I was the one that originally bought that house for $5000, and moved it to where it sits now. The same mover moved it from downtown Billings in 1972 to where we bought it from 3 years ago.
My intentions were to bring it over here to Columbus, put it on some land we subdivided and turn it back into a duplex. The cost to move it the 30 miles was $24,500, not counting wire raising charges. The wire charges were to be about $8,000. The wire charges to move it the 3 miles to where it sits now were $4700, more than half of the total.
One issue with the house is it is really tall so routes to move the thing under most wires are hard to find. The mover who moved the house has passed on, it is sitting on his lot and his equipment, so there may be a little issue with the estate, not sure. He was going to sell the lot the house is on for $20,000, which seemed out of line for the neighborhood, and there is no water or sewer so a guy would have to do drainfield and cistern. There is a house mover here in Columbus but he will not touch this house, it is to tall. There is a mover out of Livingston that might be interested, Tamianetti i think. If you could find some land west of where it sits now would be pretty good, smooth roads and not many wires.
When i bought the house it was in fantastic shape, no cracks in the plaster or the outside stucco, moving it the 3 miles cracked it like you see it now so I decided not to bring it over, because the route we were taking was mostly all gravel roads to save on wire raising, I actually thought that it would hold together.
The people we bought the house from had the house inspected and tested for asbestos, which there is none, I have all the reports and my contract from the mover, if you would like I can send them to you. Can also get you the number for the movers widow to see if the lot is still available, and if any relatives will move the house.
We took great pains to save all the bricks from the chimney, put them on pallets, might want to make sure they come with, as no other bricks will match.