5111 N. Classen Blvd. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73118
We meet the 4th Tuesday at lunch each month.
Last month was a surprisingly (to me) large group. It was probably the largest gathering to date. I was late so had to sit at the kids table. We will try to have better seating to accommodate everyone.
This is a networking event. We are having lunch and sharing our current projects, successes and struggles. There is no speaker or expectation of participation on anyone's part. Please come and listen or ask questions. We discuss the local market and activities of the local investing community.
All experience levels are welcome. Most of the attendees have properties and are generally buy and hold folks. Most of us are in a growth phase. We welcome newcomers and those with little or no experience. I find myself motivated by discussions with a variety of individuals. We are basically a bunch of real estate nerds geeking out together.
Hope to see you there! As a side note- due to the large fluctuations in attendance, it would be helpful if you could contact me or even shoot me a text at 405-426-9677 if you plan to come. PLEASE feel free to come even if you haven't let me know!!!!! It would just help sooth the restaurant people if I can be more accurate as it seems to be difficult for them to adapt to our group. More important to come if you can!