I am a bankruptcy attorney by day and a real estate investor by night. I can't address the specifics of your situation but I can address the issue you are facing generally.
The problem your home owner is facing is called a zombie mortgage. The bankruptcy discharges her personal obligations as of the date of filing. Banks are not required to finish foreclosures or ever enforce their liens if they deem the property a liability. The bank can just walk away. You can have a situation where the debtor thinks they have moved on yet there are possible fines and costs accruing after the filing of the bankruptcy which technically are not covered by the filing as they would be considered post-filing debts.
I had a client who abandoned a rent house after filing a bankruptcy. The house burned down and the next door neighbor called complaining the fire damaged his vehicle. I advised my client to tell the neighbor about the filing and try to contact the mortgage company. We never heard from them again.
There is an interesting legal issue as to who bears the liability for post filing claims. Your challenge is educating everyone to the remote and obscure legal issues when it is not in anyone's interest to help you. No one is making any money- not the debtor, or her attorney or -relatively speaking- the bank employee who has to authorize it. You are swimming up stream. Good Luck!