@Cornelius Garland Hi there, I have read this entire article in detail and first wanted to say thank you for sharing your approach. I am in the Seattle market and have been wholesaling since 2015. I mostly get my deals through direct door knocking and getting a contract with that person to help them right away or referrals. But this is not very scalable so I have questions about cold calling.
1. Are you still having to dial 70 numbers to get 1 conversation?
2. And how many conversations do you have to have in order to get 1 signed contract?
When I tried cold calling the first time, I had to get the addresses and then get the numbers from LocatePlus. I pulled 3 numbers per person.
Looking at my results right now, I called 112 names (3 numbers each) and got 13 conversations out of that. That breaks down to for every 8 names = 1 conversation happens.
I was told that 30 conversations = 1 contract signed on average. Do you agree with this number and or not?
This would mean you need to call 240 names = 30 conversations=1 contract, but this feels VERY low.
I stopped calling at this point, and did not get any contracts with the numbers I mentioned.
BUT - I had no automated sequences whatsoever because I didnt want to violate any laws. It seems once a month I get that tiny lawsuit card in the mail informing me that xyz company is getting sued for not asking if they could text me first. And they are the big fish, not small companies.
I am trying to be diligent and realistic in 2018 in breaking down my goals into actions to meet those goals. I hope with this post I can help others as well. Thank you!