Drama. I didn't commit fraud, this is my primary residence and I sleep there most nights...when we're in town and all of my mail comes to that address. These are brand new renovated units, I can choose between the sizes; Small, Medium & Large (3) depending on if I have just my wife, my whole family, friends ...etc.
Instead of traditional long term renters for the other units that I'm not using I chose to go with short term, it's a great location and I love hosting guests but also being able to have access to each unit depending on how I'm feeling that week. One of my main clients is a 3 minute drive away...I'm not getting around anything...this house is much closer to the airport and the highway than my wife's house out on the lake. Since we're constantly traveling to visit family and friends...this house was the perfect solution.
As for her house, we stay out there on the weekends that we're in town & sometimes rent it out to friends when we're traveling.
For my particular situation, you could see how from the outside it may seem sketchy but I assure you it's not.
My lender knew everything I was doing and talked in depth with my lawyer about this to make sure we did it the right way.
@Joe Splitrock
When I was using quotes and weird verbiage that was just to imply that in theory some situations can be catered to.