Dear all,
Thanks for all the DM questions! I'll gather answers in a single email.
1) What kind of deal is this? You wire funds to a company that is in the business of building buildings, they create plans, get permits, raise additional capital, supervise construction, supervise filling the building with tenants, sell the building to an institutional investor, and if everything has gone to plan then there will be a significant profit and they wire you back more money than you put in. The whole process takes several years. 4 in this case. This is, after all, a 7-storey 250-unit multifamily apartment building projected to sell for $183 million.
2) What is the equity multiple? For every dollar put in, the deal is designed to generate the equity multiple dollars out. In this case, with an equity multiple of 3.12, if you put in $100k, after four years the deal is designed to give you back $312k.
3) What is the IRR? Internal rate of return. This can be a little tricky to calculate when capital is returned throughout the project, and it is expected that a little capital will be returned at approximately the six-month mark, but for this deal it is pretty close to just the compounding annual return.
4) What are the risks? Primary one would be a deep recession leading to an inability to fill the building with tenants willing and able to pay the projected rent. Mitigating factors, this is a suburb where occupancy rates are high, rents are growing, and multiple innovation-based businesses are attracting young workers to the area.
5) Are YOU investing in this deal? Yes. I'll be putting $1 million in.
6) Can I contact CC&F directly? Yes. Absolutely. They have a contact form and phone number on their website (
7) Why are you sharing all this? Why not? A lot of work went into finding, checking, and negotiating. I've already made my commitment and had it accepted. If I can give others a way into the commercial real estate development world at the cost to me of a couple of emails, it's my pleasure to do so.