I guess my sister attended his course some time ago. I saw the home study kit at her house (all dusty) and she gave it to me. I finished reading it and, man! I ready to buy some Amway! I'm kidding...but it did bring me here.
The material is decent but generalized, and I wonder how much of it applies to California or is even applicable today. The other thing I've noticed is that it is liberally sprinkled with "buzz" words that are used in sales to inspire excitement and action. At the end of every book I couldn't wait to start the next one and I flat out started looking for houses to buy in the middle of the series! (I'm sure you've guessed by now that I'm fairly susceptible to suggestion).
I most definitely would not attend a "workshop". (If they got my sister to buy the three day course, I'd probably end up signing over my kidneys or something). Maybe see if you can buy the kit online from another source. I think most of the information would serve as a good jumping off point and is motivational. The information on financing seems either entirely inaccurate to begin with or completely outdated. I mean, maybe that's how they did real estate financial way back in the 1900's but a lot has changed since the turn of the century and lenders seem to be a lot more careful last time I checked.
Most importantly for me, it was a good read. At no point did it get boring. My feeling is, outside of the seminar, it's good stuff.