So you are Currently taking your educational Classes with Renatus, how Long do those classes take and what level did you buy? 2k, 15K? Did you also buy into the marketing section?
You say in your post "For new investors, we have funds available and buyers available which almost allows us to practice before we jump right in." Who is we? You have done a flip in which Renatus gave you the money to buy and renovate that flip?
Then you say "I'm only in my 4th month and I have a $10,000 payday coming followed by several more." So if you are getting a payday from Renatus, and a ten thousand dollar one at that, you are getting that payday from recruiting students to buy the 15K package and not from investing in Real Estate correct?
So in four months of Renatus Education you have spent 15K on the education, you have a $10000 payday coming, how many properties did you buy and flip so far? Just wondering, and oh ya, can you give me an address of your most recent flip. I love doing research on tax records and Sales history and Mortgage history.