@Laura NA
How long you been at this? A few months? For example, it took me 2 years to find my real estate agent.
You've viewed all of 5 properties in person? Not sure how far apart are they, but that's not even a day's viewings...
Keep going.. Keep learning.. Find the neighborhood / property that suits you..
Even around here, multi's tend to be pretty crappy. Lots of "slumlords," or just landlords who can't afford to fix things up. Saw listings where you could just walk between units because the sheetrock/"fireproofing" wasn't there.
Yup, agents are in the sales business. You could get your own license, but don't forget the carrying costs and finding a broker will to take you as effectively a non-productive agent. Remember, brokers make their money off the backs of agents. So, if you aren't producing then you are costing them money being on their books normally.
As mentioned, plenty of agents, and other vendors, on BP are pretty bad, too... Its too bad newbies see this site as a way to find "good vendors" when all it is is free advertising for them. You know what they say: its tough to find good help.
Letss see, whether all properties will have non-cosmetic issues really will depend on your neighborhood / location. Or, look at it the other way: if you were flipping or brrr'ing, it'd better have some issues.
Hope this helps. Happy to chat. Good luck.