Originally posted by @James A.:
Interestingly, the only person in this thread that is anti-Airbnb is the person who has created a business that profits from catching people using Airbnb.
Hi James,
I love anonymous people on forums who's first post is always to cause trouble or promote a product but I will you humor you anyway. If I had to guess one of the management companies that uses our software may have sent you a love note recently.
I love AirBNB as a user. I've used it countless times and saved thousands of dollars by staying in apartments off the beaten track as opposed to hotels. And you're right, as a user, I don't care about the legal status of the apartment, as long as it's clean, safe, and has all the amenities it claims it has.
But if I own a building, and all of my tenants have no sublet clauses in their leases, then I don't want them subletting. I don't want them turning my building into a flophouse. If I wanted to run a hotel I would open a Hilton or something.
A lease is a contract. That's it. Two parties entered into an agreement, and one party wants to make sure the other party sticks to it. There's no other issue here.
Let's not even get started with rent control/rent stabilized apartments in AirBNB, which is basically profiteering from a form of subsidized housing.