What you are basically looking for are easy tenants in the best parts of town in properties at significant discounts to market value.
Generally, properties in B+ neighborhoods that attract the kind of tenant you are looking for don't cash flow. They are good for stability and asset preservation, orbut not for income.
Your margins in Butchers Hill are going to be really, really tight. I don't think you'll find a lot that passes the 1% test in that neighborhood, and that test doesn't leave you with great margins when taking into account the City's tax rate.
It's also a hot neighborhood. Finding deals in 21231 and 21224 is tough. It's been hot for almost 15 years now, and finding the properties that are being sold at a discount is tough. Auctions may be your best bet, but caveat emptor.
Your strategy might work in the lower parts of Charles Village, where you can find 3-4 unit brownstones in your price range.
Other options might be Baltimore County, Harford County, or in some of the more transitional areas in the city.