Thanks Caroline, all arbitration was stated on the assignable agreement, he has once backed out by giving my number to his drug dealing, using room mates to call me text me, harass the title company we were originally with. Our lawyer sent them a certified letter stating we will sue for specific performance, especially after they have changed the locks denying us entrance to the property, we have sent a copy of the memorandum in place with the court house, as well as another copy of the contract highlighting where he signed and initialed were the prevailing party will/can be compensated for legal expenses and we need access to the property, which was listed with a realtor while STILL in contract and is now showing pending a sale. My mentor says that once it goes to title, they will have to contact me for a release, which given the circumstances and all the efforts invested, time and manpower, we will refuse to signe a release. His daughter was the brain child to start this mess.