unfortunately in this world there are many people who believe the states have the right to take away your constitutional freedoms. You have every right as an American to enter into a contract to buy a house and then sell that right to someone else. You may also do this with a dog, a Popsicle, or anything. It's not a matter of do u have the right or is it legal. It's a matter of if they can scare you enough or convince you to contract with them, ( meaning your state or local Realtors association) They do not own a monopoly on buy or selling contracts. They don't own the exclusive rights to anything. They will make you believe that, may even be able to convince a lot enforcement officer or agency to press charges against you. ( this is called boxing you in) not charged have been filed and you think oh no I did something wrong and u plead guilty pay the fine all that blah blah,
But bottom line is if they was to press charges against u and u held ur ground and fought and had a good lawyer and all that you may come out a loser in state courts but filed appeals to higher courts would finally set you free of the charges. Eventually it would reach a court that would have to uphold the constitution.
Same thing with drivers licenses , fishing licenses, car registrations. They are all essentially a form of boxing you out of your constitutional rights. And appealed to the higher courts they always rule that you do not have to obtain them.
Dude if you were born in this country and or have gained legal citizenship, you have every right to put a purchase contract on anything your heart desires and turn around and sell that contract to anyone your heart desires. Don't listen too a bunch of people telling you that you must get a license.
" Look them square in there eyes and say, No thank you. I don't need one.".
Stand behind that decision as a man, and as your birthright as a citizen of this country, and nobody will mess with you.......
Blink once faulter once, show one little sign of weakness, "Like asking people if you need a license.'. And sure enough they will get you buddy. They will take your rights from you.... And you will pay them too do business or else.
Be a American , sign the contract and sell it. Tell everyone else to get f$!*3#