We are in almost an identical situation. Only out of college a few years, with student loans, car loan, credit card debt, and two mortgages. I have thought about selling the rental for the exact reason you mentioned, but for the exact reasons you mentioned we decided to keep it since it cashflows well. All this to say I completely understand where you are at. We are aggressively trying to eliminate every debt we have besides mortgage at the moment so that we can start getting aggressive with real estate in the next two years. Step one is to stop the bleeding. Before you buy anything ask yourself if that purchase will directly help you pay off your debt (for instance I just bought a part for my coffee maker to avoid me justifying buying coffee out) My husband and I have set a goal of no eating out besides one date night per month (cheaply, to keep the relationship alive) until the end of 2019. Step two everyone has already said is lower every monthly payment you can and snowball by focusing on the debt you hate the most-usually start with credit cards. Step three is make any extra money you can. It doesn't always have to be conventional either, uber, airbnb a spare room, build shelving, tutor, offer any service you have any skill at. If you can have that kind of discipline for two years you will be out of financial jail. Good luck I hope we both meet our goals!
PS I would also recommend listing the cars for sale at what you owe on them- if you were (no offense we've all been there) stupid enough to buy them for more than what their worth someone else might be as well. Good luck!