Quote from @Account Closed:
Quote from @Account Closed:
Quote from @Account Closed:
Quote from @Account Closed:
If you want to look at a successful implementation of large scale public housing I suggest you look at Singapore. Over 80% of the population lives in high quality, highly subsidized housing that is impeccably maintained. I live in one such apartment myself. If you actually have a non corrupt system where the government is not bought by vested interests and is willing to spend money on social benefits you most certainly can provide decent public benefits. And before you tell me I am living in some commie hell hole, let me tell you that the max income tax rate here is 15%, there are no capital gains taxes and no minimum wage. Singapore is one of the most business friendly places in the world. Now go wrap your head around that for a moment.
Yes, and 30 lashes if you spit on the sidewalk.
I can most certainly assure you that this is not true at all. Police in Singapore are actually humane (as opposed to your own boys in blue). Yes the rules are strict but the punishments are far more humane (mostly fines) than in the US. The only exception maybe is the punishment for drug smuggling which is severe. But in ANY part of this city I can walk along clean streets not lined by junkies and panhandlers and not get robbed, mugged, molested, raped, shot (by cops or thugs) at any time of night and day. 10 year old kids take the bus to school on their own. Drunk women can go home at 2 am without any hassle. How many equally populated (7m) dense US cities can you say that about? Please stop believing the propaganda you are fed about how USA is #1 best place in the world. It is most definitely NOT. The average person in many parts of Asia or Europe have far superior standards of living with decent affordable housing, education, transport and healthcare, all of which is severely lacking in the US. Go travel, talk to people and go see for yourself.
@Anish Tolia: Agreed, for the most part, not all. "
"Singapore boasts a reputation for being one of the safest cities in the world, yet it has a relatively high prison population rate that seems rather disproportionate to its low crime rate. As of 2017, Singapore had one of the highest prison population rates out of the Asia-Pacific countries." https://www.statista.com/topic...
The point I make is that most Americans don't behave themselves (littering, jaywalking, staring, dress code, making assumptions, marijuana is okay, rude behavior compared to Singapore etc), and are more likely to run afoul of the law and local customs in Singapore doing things that they are simply accustomed to doing with no reprecussions in the USA.
Not to insult my fellow Americans but let's face it, we allow judges and prosecutors let violent felons back on the streets and so on. We don't vote out or impeach judges, prosecutors and politicians who violate the public trust and we wind up with Seattle, Portland, New York, St Louis, L.A. New Orleans and so many others. So, we must approve of such things, since we take no action.
We sold all of our properties in Seattle and moved out of town because it got so bad and so dangerous.
It's a joke to litter in the US but no laughing matter in Singapore, let alone far worse public transgressions. Neither is ideal but that is what makes the world go 'round.
Did you conveniently leave out the next line of your citation? Let me help. Here is the full citation
Even so, the incarceration rate is nowhere near that of the United States or any of the countries with the highest prison population rate.
Nobody is being locked up for littering or other social transgressions. At most you get a fine. And people break traffic laws all the time (speeding, cutting lanes etc) and I never see anyone pulled over by a cop like in US cities. Almost all people in jail are for drug offenses, usually possession of small quantities. I am not in favor of this by any means. There are a few in there for violent crimes, mostly domestic violence. And even in prison there are no rapes or abuse by guards or fights like is common in US prisons. Nor are there fights and gangs. Or years of solitary confinement. There also exist real rehabilitation programs that are well funded and taken seriously. The US locks up far more people under far worse conditions than any developed country.