@kevin yoo
Actually its the opposite. You want to be a net borrower in inflationary environments. That way you pay back your principal in cheaper dollars. In a deflationary environment you save now and spend later because things are getting cheaper.
This whole inflation/deflation debate is puzzling. Theoretically increasing money supply at the rate the Fed is doing should be inflationary. I think it is , but the inflation is in bubble assets like the stock market. The money is circulating amongst banks and brokers but little is getting out into the real world. Therefore unemployment is high, wages are low, and demand for goods is not increasing. If and when the money hits the street, we should see inflation. However if the 1% keep all of the stimulus as it is now happening, inflation is held at bay. I think thats the game the criminal bankers and wall street are playing with full support of the government they bought and paid for. Okay, I'll get off the lecture podium now...:-)