@Dawn Anastasi and @Lucas Pfaff Hiring a property manager is an idea I have toyed with. I did contact one and asked for a standard contract to look at as I had no idea what all was involved. This particular one was full service. After looking over many of the terms, I felt that the contract favored the PM over my interests. We also have problems with giving up that much control, i.e. maintenance, who the property is rented to, control over the late payment process, etc.
Currently my biggest obstacle is having the needed available time to effectively market the property, answer calls, and show the property when most people are available. I'm a good private investigator, and do fine processing the applications, I prefer to pay my own bills, and handle all maintenance issues as we see fit (my husband does HVAC and maintenance by trade) and basically want to know what is going on at my property. I am just not good at marketing and confrontation (directly denying an applicant, or dealing with rude or confrontational people on the phone). My husband also has expressed a concern about my safety when showing the property as well.
So my dilemma is that I need to be able to hire someone to be the front person and let me control things behind the scenes. From what I have found so far when I search "property manager" for my area I can;t find anyone that offers these types of services only. If I owned more than 1 property and had enough to justify it I would just personally hire someone to do it.
I do plan on staying in real estate, but I am thinking I need to be in a different market now that most of the responsibility falls directly on me.
@Taylor Jennings I didn't know this would be considered a "turnkey" property. I thought that meant that you already had a tenant in place and under management.
This is a nice little property that has provided pretty good cash flow over the last 3 years. SInce we own outright, the monthly costs are minimal to carry it. At this point vandalism is my biggest concern with it setting vacant.