@Ming Lim @Steve Potash @Debbie Gilbert
Thanks all for the input. I called up a property manager in the area I am looking to talk about what typical student rentals look like. Their input was all inclusive, including utilities, internet, yard maintenance. With units renting for $400-500 per bedroom. Adds a bit more in expenses, especially with the cost of electricity in Ontario (at least the unit I am looking at is gas heat opposed to baseboard), but the extra $300-400 roughly in expenses could easily be made up for with the extra $800-1000 in potential rent.
Have you had any experience with "contracting" out lawn maintenance to one of the student tenants? Or does this become a hassle, as a lot of the students could disappear for the summer, and leave you hanging? (I was thinking about a payment to the student, opposed to a discount on the rent. If the work is not done, stop the payment, and get it contracted out somewhere else)
On a separate note, Are you providing student rentals furnished or unfurnished? I am assuming this is also more of a local, or landlord specific topic. Leave rooms unfurnished, supply basic (kijiji quality) furniture in the common rooms?