Thank you all so much for your thoughts. You definitely gave me some things to consider.
I'm somewhat tempted just to buy the land, build the cabins and set up shop without bothering with the bureaucracy. I could try to keep the low profile, but if it was successful, the local officials would probably stick their noses in for their cut.
Jennifer, thanks for the idea or using attached units. That could be a good work around.
Paul, your points are well taken. I would definitely want to scope out the area thoroughly before pulling the trigger on anything. And also talk to some local investors to get the lay of the land. I'm looking for a nitch that hasn't already been filled.
Bill, thanks for the suggestion. I hadn't considered Wyoming, but I will definitely look into it!
Mike, it's nice to know that at least one other investor shares my enthusiasm for this approach. I know that wherever the plan is implemented there will be plenty of hoop jumping and red tape, but I'm going to keep at it!