@Betty Cruz this is so common that I want to take a little bit of time to explain this but you can refinance right away. Not 6 months. Not 2 years. Right away. What you are experiencing is what is referred to as a lender "overlay". Conventional/Conforming loans are governed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Conventional guidelines are that you can refinance a property, that has a loan associated with it, the day after you close...at After Repair Value (ARV). Where it gets confusing is that the guildelines also state that each bank can be more restrictive on these rules if they want to but not less restrictive. What I mean is that if the conventional guildelines say "Credit Score must be 660" a bank can say "Well, we aren't going to lend below 700"....and that is totally ok with Fannie/Freddie. So yes, you will run into banks that say 2 years, 6 months, need rental history, blah, blah, blah. You need to find a bank that has no "overlays" and those are usually the bank that investors prefer. I think I have PM'd you before but I will PM you again just in case. Thanks!