Thank you all for the warm welcome. I'm exited to be apart of the community here and dig into the forums and get active!
@Jason A. Glad you asked. My meat and potatoes consists of direct mail which is nothing new and around before my time, I find this yields me the best and most leads. I target a specialized list. I also use guerilla marketing tactics as we all know of such as bandit signs on weekends around major intersections and shopping centers where a lot of traffic is. I have been getting a good response rate from both avenues. getting involved with PPC (pay per click) campaigns is something I do want to get involved with soon to see how that works as well. Another lead generator for these off market deals are networking with landscapers, painters, town workers who are out through neighborhoods all day and offer a referral fee at closing when the property closes. I also look for vacant properties myself as well and do skip tracing to find the owner. Along with FSBO calls throughout the day to talk to sellers and see there motivation. It comes down to a numbers game and knowing your response rates and conversion rates into deals. so if you know on average it takes 25 leads to land 1 deal then obviously you would need to have your marketing reflect these #s to have a. chance to getting a deal. Not easy but I enjoy doing it and learning a lot as I go. I hope I could answer your question and not stray from it too much. it comes down to a lot of communication with sellers to find out the real motivation behind selling and although at the end of the day the goal is to find a property with enough equity for my end buyer and a spread for myself I try to make it a win win for the seller as well.